Skandinavian News 6
Skandinavian News - Issue 6 (1988-12)(Accession).adf
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Text File
61 lines
#move 0,0
#screen hires
#colors from "Guru"
#pens 9,0
A Short Manual For Aztec C 3.6a
Have you ever tried to get a manual
for some intresting stuff. Quite
fustrating,isn't it? I have photocopi-
ed lotsa manuals, and that isn't very
funny job. When I was copying manual
of Aztec C3.6a (7cm thick pile of
paper) I noticed that most of it was
not very useful stuff. I decided to
write some most needed parts of it in
the machine.
There should be a file called Quick.
doc somewhere, it contains very short-
hened description of commands cc, as
and ln which are the major parts of
the compiler. Thats not too much, but
I think you should now be able to
compile most stuff with it.
Ok. I do now that there is some more
needed if you want do some programming
with C...
You Get What You Pay!
With Smell: Wyzinski The Ugly
#move 325,0
Grendel has moved!
The master of lamers, the strategy
fan numer one, the Great Grendel
Himself has moved - about 100m north
into a fantastic flat in the center of
Iisalmi city. The house is situated
above a movie theatre, so Grendel must
move his ass only 20 m through three
floors to be in front row, where he
usually watches at the moveis because
he has such a miserable eye-sight.
Yes, he also had a driving licence
so if you are going to move in Iisalmi,
be REALLY careful, since Grendel has
seen the movie Deathrally 2000 maybe
three times too many times.
Now Grendel has two rooms instead of
previous one. It means that the mess
will be twice as bad as before and
Grendel can be twice as unresponsive to
his overcaring mother's suggestions
about cleaning his double pigsty.
Anyway, Grendel has finished all
other 64-swapping except strategy and
Role games. Thus, if you're interested
in strategy, contact Grendel. <GROWL>